: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Banning the Majlis: Another Manifestation of Russian Repression of the Crimean Tatars

      Banning the Majlis: Another Manifestation of Russian Repression of the Crimean Tatars

      On 26 April, the Supreme Court of Crimea banned the Majlis, the representation of Crimean Tatars, recognising it as an extremist organisation. Thus, Russia has eliminated opposition activity by the Crimean Tatars, replacing the Majlis with Russian-created structures that present the façade of representing the Tatar community. The growing Russian...

      IMF Praises Ukraine’s Progress

      IMF Praises Ukraine’s Progress

      But country must still implement a series of reforms before funds start to flow again. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Leave camp condemns “uncontrolled migration” as number of EU workers in UK reaches new record-high

      Leave camp condemns “uncontrolled migration” as number of EU workers in UK reaches new record-high

      Leave camp condemns “uncontrolled migration” as number of EU workers in UK reaches new record-highThe number of EU migrants working in Britain rose by a record-high 250,000 to reach over 2.2 million last year according to official figures from the Office for National Statistics. EU-born workers from Spain, Portugal, Italy and France rose 22% from...

      TI Ukraine and ANTAC appeal to NAPC for timely launch of E-Asset Declaration System in Ukraine

      TI Ukraine and ANTAC appeal to NAPC for timely launch of E-Asset Declaration System in Ukraine

      Transparency International Ukraine and Anti-Corruption Action Centre are welcoming the establishment of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) and are fully supportive of the anti-corruption work it is entitled to perform. We believe the NAPC has all leverages and capacities to be the leading and the most effective corruption...

      Crimean Muslims face 15-year Sentences for Invented &#146Terrorism&#146

      Crimean Muslims face 15-year Sentences for Invented &#146Terrorism&#146

      The trial has begun of four Crimean Muslims accused by Russia of involvement in an organization – Hizb ut-Tahrir – which is legal in Ukraine but which Russia and Uzbekistan have declared ‘terrorist’ without providing any reason. The ‘court’ on Wednesday also saw no need for the defence to be shown any proof. …read more...

      Russian Protest Artist Pavlensky Alleges Police Brutality

      Russian Protest Artist Pavlensky Alleges Police Brutality

      Best known for such protest actions as nailing his scrotum to Red Square or cutting off a piece of his ear, Russian political-protest artist Pyotr Pavlensky continues to put his body on the line …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      After April Violence in Karabakh, Armenia’s Distrust in Russia Keeps Growing

      After April Violence in Karabakh, Armenia’s Distrust in Russia Keeps Growing

      Last month’s deadly skirmishes along the line of conflict in Karabakh (April 2–5), the so-called “four-day war,” highlighted the need for a reinvigorated international mediation effort. Immediately afterward, Russia appeared ready to take the initiative. The ceasefire agreement brokered by Moscow, on April 5, followed by Prime Minister...

      New Divisions May Reduce Russian Army’s Combat Readiness

      New Divisions May Reduce Russian Army’s Combat Readiness

      During a regular ministerial conference call, on May 4, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu clarified previously declared plans to counter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He noted, “The defense ministry is taking a number of measures to counteract the buildup of NATO forces in the immediate vicinity of Russian borders. Two new...

      Rough Landing: What the Transaero Saga Tells Us About Russia’s Economy

      Rough Landing: What the Transaero Saga Tells Us About Russia’s Economy

      The death of airline Transaero is an unfortunate microcosm of everything wrong with Russia’s business climate. May 18, 2016 By: Aaron Schwartzbaum On October 1, 2016 Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev announced that Transaero, Russia’s second largest airline, would go bankrupt. Though the story did not receive much play in Western...

      Memo to Ukraine and the West: Beware of Unrealistic Peace Plans. The Kremlin Will Outplay You Every Time

      Memo to Ukraine and the West: Beware of Unrealistic Peace Plans. The Kremlin Will Outplay You Every Time

      The latest Normandy Four meeting on May 11 in Berlin did not result in any major breakthroughs to end the stalemate in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine agreed to create demilitarized zones in separatist-held areas of eastern Ukraine, enhance information-sharing, and halt military exercises along the contact line, but these steps will not break the...