Section: The Centre for Policy Studies (UK)
We are all Keynesians now
Classical economic theory is all but extinct within the lecture theatres of universities worldwide, and Keynesian thinking dominates the decision making of governments internationally. Keynesian economics advocates for state intervention in the economy, arguing that it is… …read more Source:: The Centre for Policy...
“Nobody Eats GDP”: Promoting Inclusive Growth in Nigeria
GDP growth is not enough. Growth must be felt in the lives of people! Nobody eats GDP.— Akinwumi A. Adesina (@akin_adesina) January 25, 2018The statement highlights the importance of inclusivity and improved societal welfare alongside economic growth. Most times when an… …read more Source:: The Centre for Policy...
The effect of a Corbyn government on the UK’s finances
The Labour Party’s additional spending commitments in their 2017 manifesto came to around £100bn per year, according to a report by the Taxpayers’ Alliance. This did not even include John McDonnell’s plans for re-nationalisation, which could have an… …read more Source:: The Centre for Policy...
The Case for Restorative Justice
In order to tackle high reoffending rates, the U.K. needs to adopt a smarter penal system to break the cycle which takes both a financial and social toll on the U.K.Reoffending rates in the U.K. are some of the highest in Europe. The figures speak for themselves, with 44% of… …read more Source:: The Centre for Policy...
A tax positive solution to Britain’s obesity crisis
Public Health England (PHE) announced this week that “Britain needs to go on a diet”. Those were the words of PHE Chief Executive Duncan Selbie, who warned of obesity’s threat to public health and finances.PHE estimates that a 20% calorie reduction in family… …read more Source:: The Centre for Policy...
A British policy for countering Russia: A new Jackson-Vanik amendment
During the last two years of Russian crisis – the annexation of Crimea, the invasion of eastern Ukraine and the Syrian campaign – Britain has been invisible. Although Britain is a member of the UN Security Council with a nuclear deterrent, Mr Cameron has chosen to… …read more Source: The Centre for Policy...