: :inin Kyiv (EET)
Why Indonesia’s Palm Oil Export Ban Could Backfire

Why Indonesia’s Palm Oil Export Ban Could Backfire

It threatens to upend domestic and global markets already struggling with the fallout from the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...

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The War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Syria

The War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Syria

In Syria, the immediate effects of the war in Ukraine have made an already difficult humanitarian situation even worse. Protracted violence in Ukraine or an expansion of the Ukraine war into a larger NATO-Russia confrontation would endanger multilateral cooperation on conflict management, conflict resolution and humanitarian issues in Syria....

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Rethinking Strategic Sovereignty

Rethinking Strategic Sovereignty

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is forcing Europeans into a confron­tational security order. This also makes European strategic sovereignty – in defence policy, but also in economics, technology, energy policy, and institutional framework – a more significant goal for the European Union (EU). Until now, however, a central narrative...

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Finland wants to use the “NATO option”

Finland wants to use the “NATO option”

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has changed Finland’s security policy calculations. After the end of the Cold War, two principles were essential for Finnish foreign and security policy: maintaining good relations with Russia on the one hand, and a strong national defence capability on the other hand. The country wanted to be prepared for...

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How the Lessons of the Syria War May Safeguard Lives in Ukraine

How the Lessons of the Syria War May Safeguard Lives in Ukraine

Some of Russia’s war tactics in Ukraine mirror the strategies Moscow has employed in Syria. The international community should apply the lessons learned then to limit devastation and casualties now. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...

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The Ukraine War Is Reshaping the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict

The Ukraine War Is Reshaping the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict

With Russia unable to act as key mediator, the countries are looking elsewhere for help. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...

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“What Is in Our Interest”: India and the Ukraine War

“What Is in Our Interest”: India and the Ukraine War

As Russia’s war in Ukraine unfolds, India’s national interests have so far dictated a position of formal neutrality. Here are the factors New Delhi faces in balancing its foreign policy priorities. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...

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Finnland will die »Nato-Option« einlösen

Finnland will die »Nato-Option« einlösen

Der Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine hat Finnlands sicherheitspolitisches Kalkül verändert. Nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges war es für die finnische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik essentiell, zwei Prinzipien aufrechtzuerhalten: gute Beziehungen zu Russland bei gleichzeitig starker Landesverteidigung. Das Land wollte mit Blick auf den östlichen...

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Russia on the Road to Dictatorship

Russia on the Road to Dictatorship

The invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has catapulted Russia from hard autoc­racy into dictatorship. The relationship between state and society is growing increasingly totalitarian. This is no bolt from the blue: Today’s wartime censorship and re­pression are based on laws passed successively since the early 2010s. Vladimir...

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Völkerrechtliche Verbrechen im Krieg gegen die Ukraine

Völkerrechtliche Verbrechen im Krieg gegen die Ukraine

Völkerrechtsverbrechen, die während des Krieges in der Ukraine begangen werden, können sowohl vor nationalen Gerichten als auch vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof verfolgt werden. Deutsche Straf­gerichte sind auf Basis des Universalitätsprinzips ebenfalls in der Lage, solche Taten zu ahnden. Dabei wird es vor allem um Kriegsverbrechen und...

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