Krieg in der Ukraine: Folgen für den Wasserstoffmarkt
Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine wird die deutsche Energiepolitik dauerhaft verändern: Deutschland und die EU planen die Abhängigkeit von russischen Gaslieferungen zu verringern und gleichzeitig ihre Zielsetzungen für Wasserstoffproduktion und –importe zu erhöhen. Angesichts des starken geoökonomischen Wettbewerbs rund um Wasserstoff...
China’s Ukraine Calculus Is Coming Into Focus
Beijing believes its contradictory approach best protects its interests. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Ukraine’s EU Membership and the Geostrategy of Democratic Self-Preservation
Russia´s invasion of Ukraine strengthens the geostrategic case for the EU offering a membership perspective to Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. But it also calls for a more political approach to accession. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Russia-Ukraine Talks: A Difficult Road to Peace
President Zelensky seems willing to accept a neutral status for Ukraine in return for firm security guarantees. But without the required political will on the Russian side, a mutually acceptable deal may be out of reach. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Moscow Threatens the Balance in the High North
Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is not based on legitimate or reasonable security interests – it is a blatant rejection of Europe’s security order. President Vladimir Putin already made this clear in his televised address on 21 February preceding the attack. Previously, Finland and Sweden had recalled the Conference on...
The Common Theme in Central Asia’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
The region is dependent on Russia but wary of endorsing Moscow’s actions. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Power to Which People?
In an interview, Nikolay Kozhanov explains how the Ukraine conflict will affect Middle Eastern hydrocarbons production. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
The War in Ukraine and its Implications on India’s Space Program
The war in Ukraine has demonstrated that India needs to establish a strong domestic space economy in order to weather geopolitical storms. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Decarbonising EU-Turkey Energy Cooperation: Challenges and Prospects
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has once again highlighted Europe’s heavy dependence on Russian natural gas and thus, among other things, underlined the significance of energy cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Turkey. Traditionally, Turkish-European energy relations have prioritised the diversification of energy resources in...
Ukraine’s Membership Bid Puts Pressure on the European Union
As Russian tanks and artillery advanced on Kharkiv and Kyiv, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed an application to join the European Union. He called for a special admission procedure to secure swift accession for Ukraine, yet Ukraine did not first aspire to EU membership under missile fire. Much like Moldova and Georgia, it sees its current...