Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Articles On: South Korea, Pirelli, Fox Hunt Case, Pope, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Secret Police Stations, Bank of China, Japan, and Ukraine
Articles On: South Korea, Pirelli, Fox Hunt Case, Pope, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Secret Police Stations, Bank of China, Japan, and Ukraine LeAnn Sun, 06/11/2023 – 04:00 South Korea Chastises Chinese Envoy Over Warning on US Ties by Jon Herskovitz via Bloomberg on June 8, 2023 Pirelli’s Italian CEO Seeks to Curb China’s Grip on...
Hoover Chair John Kleinheinz Talks About His New Book With Senior Fellow Stephen Kotkin
Hoover Chair John Kleinheinz Talks About His New Book With Senior Fellow Stephen Kotkin Rachel Moltz Fri, 06/09/2023 – 11:48 Hoover Institution (Stanford, CA) – Hoover Board of Overseers chair John Kleinheinz (Stanford 1984) discussed The Siberia Job, a fictional work by Josh Haven that mirrors Kleinheinz’s experiences as an investor...
Hoover Chair John Kleinheinz Talks New Book With Senior Fellow Stephen Kotkin
Hoover Chair John Kleinheinz Talks New Book With Senior Fellow Stephen Kotkin Rachel Moltz Fri, 06/09/2023 – 11:48 Hoover Institution (Stanford, CA) – Hoover Board of Overseers chair John Kleinheinz (Stanford 1984) discussed The Siberia Job, a fictional work by Josh Haven that mirrors Kleinheinz’s experiences as an investor in Russia...
Offizielle US-Strategie zur nuklearen Rüstungskontrolle: »Nur der erste Schritt oder schon alles?«
Bislang hat die US-Administration unter Joe Biden im Bereich der nuklearen Rüstungskontrolle vor allem Ziele formuliert. Nun hat die US-Regierung dargelegt, wie sie die gestiegenen Risiken nuklearer Konflikte und eines Wettrüstens mit Russland und China eindämmen will. In einer mit Spannung erwarteten Rede bot der Nationale Sicherheitsberater von...
European Defence and Italian-German Cooperation in the Wake of Putin’s War
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has inflicted a significant blow to the EU’s defence strategy, jeopardising its ability to contribute adequately to the transatlantic security architecture and slowing the development of a continental strategic autonomy. In view of this, Germany and Italy should strengthen bilateral defence cooperation,...
Mapping the last decade of Russia’s disinformation and influence campaign in Ukraine
The post Mapping the last decade of Russia’s disinformation and influence campaign in Ukraine appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
Das Schwarze Meer als Mare Clausum
Das Schwarze Meer ist ein Spannungsfeld. Es ist Schauplatz der Russland-Nato-Konfrontation und Projektionsfläche der russischen und türkischen Vorstellungen einer regionalen Ordnung. Die Sonderrolle der Türkei in der Region ergibt sich in erster Linie aus der Umsetzung des Vertrags von Montreux, der über weite Teile des vergangenen...
Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive will aim to keep the Russians guessing
The post Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive will aim to keep the Russians guessing appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
The Past as Present
The Past as Present Rachel Moltz Wed, 06/07/2023 – 12:21 More often than not the past provides the present with serious warnings about the dangers of the world in which it lives. Nothing better exemplifies this truism than the geographic realities inflicted by the Deity on the territories stretching across south-eastern Europe from the...
Has Ukraine’s counteroffensive really begun?
The post Has Ukraine’s counteroffensive really begun? appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...