: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Russia Exposes US Hidden Agenda in Syria

      Russia Exposes US Hidden Agenda in Syria

      The Syrian refugee problem was maturing slowly steadily and would have provided the perfect pretext for a US-led ‘humanitarian intervention’ in that country. But Russia is there first and the best-laid American plan may have gone awry. The US Middle East policies have been fixated obsessively on ‘regime change’ in Syria for at least a...

      Ukrainian Pair On Trial in Grozny for War Crimes

      Ukrainian Pair On Trial in Grozny for War Crimes

      Uncertainty surrounds the men’s arrest, place of detention, and reliability of their testimony. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Whatever happened to… Viktor Yushchenko?

      Whatever happened to… Viktor Yushchenko?

      Do you remember Viktor Yushchenko? Of course you do. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Return to reason: reviving political realism in western foreign policy

      Return to reason: reviving political realism in western foreign policy

      Author: David Martin Jones and M. L. R. Smith Twenty-first-century political crises stretching from Europe to the Middle East and the Asia–Pacific have undermined the worldview that governed post-Cold War western thinking about a liberal end of history. This worldview assumed that shared norms and transnational institutions would transform the...

      A new Gaullist moment? European bandwagoning and international polarity

      A new Gaullist moment? European bandwagoning and international polarity

      Author: Jean-Yves Haine The transatlantic partnership needs to be reassessed. Since the end of the Cold War, Europe has chosen to bandwagon with the United States and to outsource its security to Washington. Bandwagoning has serious consequences when the use of force is at stake: it may lead to entrapment, where weaker allies may be involuntarily...

      Carl Schmitt in the Kremlin: the Ukraine crisis and the return of geopolitics

      Carl Schmitt in the Kremlin: the Ukraine crisis and the return of geopolitics

      Author: Stefan Auer The protracted crisis in Ukraine has exposed fundamental political differences between leaders in western Europe and their counterparts in Russia. The very existence of the European Union was meant to have refuted geopolitics as a useful theoretical lens through which to view power relations in Europe. After all, the European...

      Putin Threatens ‘Below the Threshold’ Operation in Syria

      Putin Threatens ‘Below the Threshold’ Operation in Syria

      Moscow has attached credibility to reports that it reserves the right to commence military operations in Syria, following growing evidence that it has increased the supplies of military hardware and enhanced the numbers of military advisors working in-country (see EDM, September 4, 10). This was coupled by reports that the Russian Armed Forces...

      Nord Stream Two: The Project’s Implications in Europe (Part One)

      Nord Stream Two: The Project’s Implications in Europe (Part One)

      Russia, Germany and a consortium of Western European companies have re-activated the Gazprom-led Nord Stream Two gas pipeline project. Parallel to the existing Nord Stream One pipeline on the Baltic seabed, Nord Stream Two would double the system’s total capacity to 110 billion cubic meters (bcm) annually, all earmarked for direct delivery...

      New publication: Corporate debt securities market in Poland: state of art, problems, and prospects for development

      New publication: Corporate debt securities market in Poland: state of art, problems, and prospects for development

      Language English The development of the Polish corporate bonds market resulted from changes on the supply side. When the Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, Polish entrepreneurs realized that financing their companies’ operations only with the use of credit, even if contracted from different sources, might not be the best idea. Consequently,...

      Is Time Working for or Against Putin?

      Is Time Working for or Against Putin?

      The renewed clashes in eastern Ukraine in mid-August confirm once again that the Russia-Ukraine crisis is anything but frozen. Indeed, while the level of violence stabilized in the aftermath of the February 2015 Minsk II agreement, the shooting and dying on all sides never stopped. …read more Source: Woodrow Wilson International Center for...