: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Russian Military Reform: The Ukraine Conflict and Its Impact on Morale

      Russian Military Reform: The Ukraine Conflict and Its Impact on Morale

      Evidence has emerged in Russia’s Southern Military District (MD) that the conflict in Ukraine is not popular among Russian contract personnel (kontraktniki). Reportedly “dozens” of kontraktniki have absconded from or deserted their units on grounds of their opposition to being sent to fight in Donbas. After more than a year of the...

      Russia’s rising military: Should the U.S. send more nuclear weapons to Europe?

      Russia’s rising military: Should the U.S. send more nuclear weapons to Europe?

      Russia’s actions in Ukraine, its military modernization program, and its more bellicose stance toward the West in general have raised concerns in NATO. The alliance needs to pay attention to territorial defense and its own military capabilities. But deploying more U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe is not a good response. Russia’s More...

      Multinational Military Exercises Start in W. Ukraine

      Multinational Military Exercises Start in W. Ukraine

      A military exercise involving Ukrainian and U.S. forces, along with troops from more than a dozen… …read more Source: American Security Council...

      Eastern EU Countries Agree to Host Refugees, Shock at Maria Gaidar’s Ukraine Move

      Eastern EU Countries Agree to Host Refugees, Shock at Maria Gaidar’s Ukraine Move

      Plus, Belarus bars jailed politician from presidential run and mystery deepens around five Czechs kidnapped in Lebanon. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Poroshenko Takes His Message to the People

      Poroshenko Takes His Message to the People

      With his own TV station in decline, Ukraine’s president looks for a way around the oligarchs who now dominate domestic television. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      One Year After MH17 Shootdown, Brazen Act Over Ukraine Still Poisons Atmosphere

      One Year After MH17 Shootdown, Brazen Act Over Ukraine Still Poisons Atmosphere

      Simon Ostrovsky will never forget the moment he learned that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 had fallen from the sky, with 298 passengers and crew aboard.”I was on a train from Kyiv to Kharkiv reading my Twitter feed, and something came down about a plane crash. Somebody said it was a Malaysian plane,” the Soviet-born US journalist...

      Crimean Government Indicates It Wants Greater Autonomy From Moscow

      Crimean Government Indicates It Wants Greater Autonomy From Moscow

      The puppet government of Crimea has unexpectedly clashed with its bosses in Moscow. On July 7, Crimea’s governor, Sergey Aksyonov, declared he would not allow the Russian federal government to force its own rules on the peninsula. His comments came after Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), at the end of June, briefly detained...

      Minsk Armistice: Enforced at Ukraine’s Expense?

      Minsk Armistice: Enforced at Ukraine’s Expense?

      In Kyiv, on July 15–16, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland prevailed on President Petro Poroshenko and parliamentary leaders to accept constitutional liabilities toward the Russian-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk territories. Nuland’s intervention achieved its goal, but not without a severe political commotion in Kyiv. The...

      The Air Tragedy That Condemned Putin’s Russia

      The Air Tragedy That Condemned Putin’s Russia

      It was a year ago last Friday (July 17) that the Boeing 777 Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down by a missile over eastern Ukraine, resulting in a loss of 298 lives. The shock of that tragedy awakened Europe and the wider global community to the grave risk that the localized armed conflict in Donbas...

      5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: Europe edition

      5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: Europe edition

      Twenty-five years since the fall of communism, the idea of “Europe whole and free” is under attack. The continent is threatened by the aggressive posture of Vladimir Putin’s regime but also by centrifugal forces in the European Union, particularly in Greece and in the United Kingdom.Shutterstock.comThe coming years will test viability of...