Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Belarus’s Rapprochement With the West and the Zero-Sum Fallacy
On May 7, Belarus’s national ice hockey team beat the United States for the first time, netting a 5–2 win at the world championship in Prague (BELTA, May 8). Hardly any piece of news pleased Belarusians more than this one. Yet, one may also recall that Belarus’s hockey team is trained by Dave Lewis, the former Detroit Red Wings coach...
Ukrainian government responses to internally displaced persons
Internal displacement is a new phenomenon in Ukraine. Until March 2014, the country’s experience with forced migration had been limited to relatively small numbers of refugees. The first wave of internal displacement occurred in March 2014 and in one year the official number of registered internally displaced persons (IDPs) has climbed to...
Chrystia Freeland’s Ukraine
The post Chrystia Freeland’s Ukraine appeared first on Canadian International Council – Canada’s hub for international affairs. …read more Source: Canadian International...
Crimean Tatars: ‘We did not reject Russia, Russia rejected us’
On May 18, 1944, Joseph Stalin deported more than 180,000 Crimean Tatars to Uzbekistan. Once again this community faces major challenges. Today, 230,000 Crimean Tatars, who are mainly Sunni Muslims, represent about 12 percent of Crimea’s population. Virtually all of Crimea’s Tatars opposed Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March...
[Translate to English:] Optionen der EU für den Umgang mit Russland und den östlichen Partnerländern
[Translate to English:] Der von Russland geschürte Konflikt um die Ukraine und Moskaus dominanzorientierte Ordnungsvorstellungen für den postsowjetischen Raum zwingen die EU zu strategischer Klarheit in ihrer Politik gegenüber dem östlichen Nachbarschaftsraum. Die östlichen Nachbarn sehen sich – bei weiterhin diskontinuierlich verlaufenden...
U.S.-Russia Relations Beyond Ukraine: Realities and Recommendations
The Russian-American relationship has reached its lowest point since the end of the Cold War. While the Ukrainian crisis has been the catalyst for pushing tensions over the edge, a number of more pervasive issues, such as disagreements over bilateral arms control, European security, and crises in the Middle East continue to drive Moscow and...
Railway Hit in Odessa Blast, More Mysterious Antelope Deaths in Kazakhstan
Plus, Ukrainian de-communization drive in full swing; sex schools are a hit in Central Asia. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
The anti-Soviet laws should be checked with the winning the war
The Ukrainian parliament passed a series of laws on April 9, which banned Soviet and Nazi symbols throughout the country and officially replaced the “Great Patriotic War”-the Soviet name for World War II, which is still used in Russia-with the “Second World War.” The law also banned the playing of the Soviet national anthem, the display of the...
Civil society in ‘Putin’s Russia’: A Q&A with Boris Makarenko
AEI’s director of Russian studies, Leon Aron, has edited a new volume— to be released at a conference on May 14— on the dynamics of Russian domestic politics titled “Putin’s Russia: How it rose, how it is maintained, and how it might end.” This work looks beyond international sanctions and the war in Ukraine to examine underlying...
The UK’s election upset: Political mould is broken across the country
A Tory government, sceptic on the EU, with a small majority sounds familiar – think of the Major government in the 1990s (though with a majority then of 21 well ahead of Cameron’s slender advantage). But little else looked the same as politicians, pundits and the public alike surveyed the new British political scene on Friday morning....