: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Ukraine’s forbidden Church marks 25 years of freedom

      Ukraine’s forbidden Church marks 25 years of freedom

      25 years ago I belonged to the single largest banned religious community in the world. The Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church was, until December 1989, the most sizeable officially banned religious organisation, persecuted by Soviet authorities for 43 years. The Church, somewhat miraculously, managed to survive “underground”, in the Gulags, in exile...

      Transitioning Neighborhood: Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine

      Transitioning Neighborhood: Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine

      Nearly a year after demonstrations erupted in Kyiv, Ukraine is forming a new government and considering the way forward after the recent parliamentary elections. Moldova faces parliamentary elections at the end of the month in which the survival of the current pro-European coalition is at stake. Belarus has been the seat of the Minsk process, the...

      Is Russia planning a winter offensive?

      Is Russia planning a winter offensive?

      The buildup of separatist forces in Donetsk, Ukraine, and Moscow’s patently confrontational tone are raising the specter of another offensive in eastern Ukraine before winter grips the region. On Wednesday, NATO warned that “columns of Russian equipment, primarily Russian tanks, Russian artillery, Russian air defense systems and...

      The Greek exit, part II

      The Greek exit, part II

      One has to be struck by the financial market’s present equanimity about Europe’s deteriorating economic and political outlook as reflected in very low European sovereign bond yields. The reason for astonishment is not simply that all-too-many indicators suggest that a highly indebted European economy appears to be heading for a...

      Fears of ‘Full-Scale’ Fighting in Ukraine, Azerbaijan Downs Armenian Helicopter

      Fears of ‘Full-Scale’ Fighting in Ukraine, Azerbaijan Downs Armenian Helicopter

      Plus, Russia goes to court to shutter a human rights group and Bosnian farmers try to keep out cheaper EU milk. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Russia will direct its efforts at supporting instability in the Donbas

      Russia will direct its efforts at supporting instability in the Donbas

      With Kyiv lacking the military might to break the rebels by force, Western allies now fear that a large chunk of Ukrainian territory will become a Russian protectorate with a parlous economic future, beyond the writ of the central government, the Reuters reports. “We have now realistically entered the phase of a ‘frozen conflict’,”...

      Putin’s Project Sparta

      Putin’s Project Sparta

      As the US Congress Reconvenes, It and Europe Must Respond to the Kremlin’s Coming Offensive in Ukraine Russia has moved a massive wave of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and artillery into Ukraine’s Donbas region in recent days, accompanied by new uniformed troops without insignia, to bolster the armed forces of the...

      Andrew Wilson talks about his new book ‘Ukraine Crisis: What it Means for the West’

      Andrew Wilson talks about his new book ‘Ukraine Crisis: What it Means for the West’

      We are delighted to invite you to a talk on Thursday, November 13th, at 7.00PM at the Ukrainian Institute, London, 79, Holland Park, London, W11 3SW Andrew Wilson will discuss his latest book Ukraine Crisis: What it Means for the West, which was published on 14 October, as both paperback and e-book. You can read an extract here, or listen to a...

      After the Wales Summit: An Assessment of NATO’s Strategic Agenda

      After the Wales Summit: An Assessment of NATO’s Strategic Agenda

      Two weeks after the NATO Summit in Wales the Konrad Adenauer Foundation invited a select group of experts and officials to discuss the results of the Wales Summit and the challenges that lie ahead. The participants provided concrete recommendations for German policy-makers regarding Berlin’s role in influencing NATO’s prospective...

      Ukraine’s Debt Dilemma

      Ukraine’s Debt Dilemma

      Ukraine’s short-term liquidity problems will test its ability to meet its debt obligations, which is both unfortunate and avoidable. Indeed, Ukraine’s struggles highlight the need for an agreed framework to resolve sovereign-debt problems and govern IMF lending. …read more Source: Project...