: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      McCain Easily Shocked by Alleged Russian Meddling

      McCain Easily Shocked by Alleged Russian Meddling

      Doug Bandow For someone who has served in war, Sen. John McCain is easily shocked. He has joined the wailing and gnashing of teeth filling Washington over Russia’s alleged hacking of the Democrats. He and his war-happy colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham are pressing for an investigation by a newly constituted select congressional committee....

      January 3rd, 2017

      January 3rd, 2017

      CAMBODIA Website to Provide Public Access to One Million Khmer Rouge Documents Ith Sothoeuth, VOICE OF AMERICA The Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) is set to launch a new interactive multimedia website later this month hosting more than 1 million publicly accessible documents related to the Khmer Rouge regime. Estimates suggest as many...

      Russia and the West: Russia’s Recent Assertiveness, Western Response, and What the Future May Hold

      Russia and the West: Russia’s Recent Assertiveness, Western Response, and What the Future May Hold

      A pro-Russian soldier stands next to a tank in Perevalne, Ukraine on March 14, 2014. Photo credit: AP Images. In late February 2014, when the Kalashnikov-wielding “little green men” appeared—apparently out of thin air—and started the takeover of government buildings, airports, and other strategic locations in the Ukrainian Crimea Peninsula, the...

      Divided and deluded Europe faces crisis on every front

      “Europe” is not a monolith. It comprises several overlapping entities. There is “Freemovementland” – the passport-free travel area that stretches from the Greek islands to the north of Norway. There is “Frontlineland” – the countries which fear Russian meddling and aggression. There is “Euroland” – the countries which use the common currency. And...

      No Quick Fix with Russia

      No Quick Fix with Russia

      A series of small steps is more likely to improve Western and Russian security than an attempt at a total reset. At the same time, sanctions against Russia over its actions in Ukraine, and NATO actions to reassure and protect allies, must continue. …read more Source:...

      Will Obama’s offshore drilling ban be Trumped?

      Will Obama’s offshore drilling ban be Trumped?

      Activists in Seattle practice for demonstrations against Royal Dutch Shell’s plans to drill in the Arctic, April 17, 2015. AP Photo/Elaine ThompsonPresident Obama gave environmental advocates a Christmas present when he announced in late December that he was banning oil and gas drilling in huge swaths of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. This...

      Russian Doping Whistleblower Polarizes Opinions

      Russian Doping Whistleblower Polarizes Opinions

      Praised abroad, runner’s decision to expose state-sponsored program have often met with an angry reaction in Russia. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      The 2016 Russian Words of the Year, Explained

      The 2016 Russian Words of the Year, Explained

      Those eager to polish their Russian, or to simply pepper their conversations with witticisms, are in for a treat. From Global Voices. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Russian Sova Centre forcibly added to ‘foreign agent’ list for criticizing authorities

      Russian Sova Centre forcibly added to ‘foreign agent’ list for criticizing authorities

      In the latest move aimed at crushing critical voices and independent NGOs in Russia, the renowned Sova Centre has been labelled a ‘foreign agent’. The reason almost certainly lies in the Centre’s monitoring and criticism of Russia’s ever-increasing misuse of dangerously broad ‘anti-extremism’ legislation. …read more...

      Crimean Tatar leader added to Russian List of ‘Terrorists & Extremists’ for Opposing Annexation

      Crimean Tatar leader added to Russian List of ‘Terrorists & Extremists’ for Opposing Annexation

      Russia has added Crimean Tatar Mejlis leader Ilmi Umerov to its notoriously long list of so-called ‘Terrorists and Extremists’ for saying, as do all democratic states, that Russia should be made to leave Crimea. With its customary contempt for presumption of innocence, it has also added all 19 Crimean Muslims whom it is holding in custody...