: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      The Return of Containment

      The Return of Containment

      Throughout the Cold War, George Kennan’s policy of containment shaped the West’s approach to the Soviet Union. At a time when Russia is bombing Aleppo, occupying parts of Ukraine, and meddling in Western politics, a new containment doctrine is needed. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...

      Don’t Expect Quick Resolution to Europe’s Only Active War

      Don’t Expect Quick Resolution to Europe’s Only Active War

      The most disputed point about the Minsk agreements has been whether to hold local elections in the Donbas before Ukraine regains control of its border with Russia, or after. Ukraine has insisted that security and the return of the border should precede elections, while pro-Russian separatists and Moscow have been pushing for the opposite, as...

      “Audit for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements” was presented in Brussels

      “Audit for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements” was presented in Brussels

      On October 18th, the IWP, together with partners from other analytical centers, presented in Brussels the analysis “Not so quiet on the Eastern Front: the audit of Minsk agreements and options for the reintegration of Ukraine». …read more Source: Institute of World...

      Visa-free regime for Ukraine: Mikhail Pashkov assessed Poroshenko’s optimism

      Visa-free regime for Ukraine: Mikhail Pashkov assessed Poroshenko’s optimism

      The optimism of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in relation to granting Ukraine visa-free regime with the European Union has its grounds. But the length of this process is difficult to determine due to a number of factors beyond the scope of Ukraine. The issue of a visa-free regime should not come to the forefront in the European...

      US and Russia: A Pacific Reconciliation?

      US and Russia: A Pacific Reconciliation?

      Russia’s Far East is just as susceptible to Chinese power as the countries of the Indo-Pacific and if the country wants to shore up control over this region, repairing relations with the US will be essential. It is also in America’s interest to have Russia as an independent power in Asia rather than being China’s satellite....

      The Doctor Is In: Ukraine’s New Health Minister Already Shaking Up Sclerotic System

      The Doctor Is In: Ukraine’s New Health Minister Already Shaking Up Sclerotic System

      Health care in Ukraine has not worked in the past—not for hospitals, clinics, doctors or nurses, and most important, not for the Ukrainian people, regardless of where they live or work, unless they are fortunate enough to pay under the table to receive the most basic care.Entrenched, bureaucratic, and corrupt interests, wielding a combination of...

      The European Neighbourhood Policy

      The European Neighbourhood Policy

      Written by Philippe Perchoc, Since 2004, the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has provided a framework for relations between the EU and its 16 geographically closest eastern and southern neighbours, affording enhanced cooperation and access to the EU market under bilateral action plans, which are intended to lead eventually to association...

      Kleptocracy Daily: October 25, 2016

      Kleptocracy Daily: October 25, 2016

      New from KI In The Illusion of Russia’s Great Power Ideology, Peter Podkopaev argues that the Kremlin remains addicted to kleptocracy. Ben Judah explains how global corruption became a national security threat in The Kleptocracy Curse: Rethinking Containment. News Ahead of a series of major political meetings in China, Xi Jinping looks to...

      What Can the West Do to Get Putin’s Attention? by Christopher A. Hartwell and Andreas Umland

      What Can the West Do to Get Putin’s Attention? by Christopher A. Hartwell and Andreas Umland

      Language English “What should be done about an increasingly aggressive Russia? The past few weeks have brought more evidence of Moscow’s moves away from international norms and law. From continued denials of complicity in the MH17 tragedy and the bombing of a humanitarian convoy in Syria, to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s...

      October 25th, 2016

      October 25th, 2016

      CHINA Xi Jinping’s Lessons from the Soviet CollapseTHE INDIAN EXPRESS As Communist leader Xi Jinping firms up his hold over China’s ruling Communist Party with his anti-graft campaign, his backers say Xi’s drive netting of over a million corrupt officials is necessary to prevent the party meeting a similar fate as the Soviet...