Section: German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Germany)
EU-Beitrittskandidat: Für die EU und die Ukraine eine Wette auf die Zukunft
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Thirty years of UN climate talks: New challenges for cooperation
Intersessional climate negotiations just concluded in Bonn, 30 years after the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed. They set the stage for the annual summit, which this year will take place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in November. Talks were conducted against the backdrop of an evolving landscape in international...
As Ukraine pushes for EU candidate status, enlargement hopes fade in the Western Balkans
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Election in France: A political earthquake with consequences for economic policy
Re-elected French President Emmanuel Macron has lost his absolute majority in parliament. In the final stages of the parliamentary election campaign, economic policy had come into focus as Macron came under pressure due to the populist proposals of the left from the EU-sceptic Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The left-wing alliance is now clearly the...
Wahl in Frankreich: Ein politisches Erdbeben mit Folgen für die Wirtschaftspolitik
Der wiedergewählte französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron hat seine absolute Mehrheit im Parlament verloren. In der Endphase des Wahlkampfes war die Wirtschaftspolitik in den Fokus gerückt, da Macron durch die populistischen Vorschläge der Linken um den EU-kritischen Jean-Luc Mélenchon unter Druck geriet. Das linke Bündnis ist nun das deutlich...
Solidarität mit der Ukraine – wozu sind Deutschland und Europa bereit?
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
»Kandidatenstatus für Ukraine ist wahrscheinlich«
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Arctic Repercussions of Russia’s Invasion
While Russia remains chair of the Arctic Council until May 2023, the other seven member states have suspended their participation in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The impacts on Moscow are multiple. Politically the move sidelines a policy area where Russia still played a significant role after the collapse of the Soviet Union....
Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine und seine Folgen
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit – Gehört die Ukraine in die EU?
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...