Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
The diplomatic battle for Ukraine
…read more Source: European Council on Foreign...
Ukraine’s economic pressures
…read more Source: European Council on Foreign...
In almost every terrorist attack in Ukraine there is a clear Russian involvement
The year-old conflict in eastern Ukraine has evolved, sparking a wave of terrorism and violence beyond the battlefields of the Donbass. The entire country is on edge, particularly in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa, (Ukraine’s second, fourth and third largest cities, respectively), all of which held off separatist uprisings last year,...
Through Economically Efficient Pricing of Natural Gas to Equitable Income Distribution from Hydrocarbons Extraction for the Ukrainian Society
Leading expert of Energy programmes at the Razumkov Centre Victor Logatskiy explains how an economically efficient pricing for natural gas will encourage an equitable income distribution from hydrocarbons extraction between private companies and the state. …read more Source: Razumkov...
Ukraine’s Crisis and Russia’s Closest Allies
Ukraine’s Crisis and Russia’s Closest AlliesIn: The International Spectator …read more Source: Istituto Affari...
Greek Finance Minister increasingly side-lined as some Eurozone members begin to raise the prospect of a Plan B for Greece
Greek Finance Minister increasingly side-lined as some Eurozone members begin to raise the prospect of a Plan B for GreeceReports over the weekend confirm that Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis was entirely isolated at Friday’s meeting of Eurozone finance ministers in Riga, with many expressing anger at the lack of progress in meeting...
Ukraina doznała szoku ale bez terapii
Language Polish Sytuacja makroekonomiczna na Ukrainie, Białorusi i w Mołdawii, obecna sytuacja polityczna w regionie i napięcia w krajach post-sowieckich to główne tematy poruszone podczas warsztatu makroekonomicznego “Sektory wrażliwe w gospodarkach państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego”, który się odbył 16 kwietnia w Warszawie. Eksperci...
Crisis in and around Ukraine
…read more Source: German Institute for International and Security...
Weekend catch-up: Anzac Day, neocons, the EU and Ukraine, digital diplomacy and more
Today is Anzac Day in Australia. Each year the national commemoration prompts a substantial amount of public reflection both on its meaning for Australians today, its place in Australia’s national identity and whether it should hold a place of such prominence. The Interpreter hosted two pieces on those topics this week, the first from...
We must keep working for a world without nuclear weapons (yes, it’s possible)
At the Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference later this month at the United Nations, the five nuclear weapon states recognized by the Treaty—the United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China—will come in for critical scrutiny from an international community that regards current approaches to nuclear arms as inadequate. Just take...