: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Ten Reasons to Invest in Ukraine

      Ten Reasons to Invest in Ukraine

      Those who have invested in Ukraine so far have not been very happy with their return.At present, Ukraine’s gross domestic product is about $85 billion, approximately one-eighth of Poland’s GDP. The return on investment has been in proportion to that.Will things change?You can never be sure, but like before, Ukraine holds great...

      Why gendered deodorants work – particularly for unmanly men

      Why gendered deodorants work – particularly for unmanly men

      Old Spice may be the solution for those looking to be more manly. youtube.comeAdverts for male deodorants – such as Old Spice or Axe/Lynx – typically promise a boost in manliness and romantic success for those discerning enough to try the products. But can artificial fragrances, mixed with our natural body odours, really make us appear more...

      With the UK referendum, Germany realises the limits of its power

      With the UK referendum, Germany realises the limits of its power

      Having played cat and mouse with Greece over its debt crisis, the good cop and bad cop over Ukraine’s crisis, and having ignited and then steered the refugee crisis, Berlin realises it has no control on the other big geopolitical risk on its doorstep: the Brexit referendum. …read more Source:...

      Poland Asks: Does the EU Matter for Anything?

      Poland Asks: Does the EU Matter for Anything?

      As has been true for almost a decade now, the European Union has seen better days. With the British seriously considering “Brexit” — a British exit from the union — and the various PIIGS dramas submerged but always lurking beneath the surface, the economy in malaise, and the European Central Bank torn between independence and the biggest players...

      Repression in Belarus has increased since EU sanctions removed

      Repression in Belarus has increased since EU sanctions removed

      Human rights activists warn that the significantly increased use of fines against peaceful protesters and the increasing use of the death penalty shows that the EU’s softening attitude to Alexander Lukashenko’s regime is misguided. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Crimean peaceful protesters learn the hard way what ’Russian world’ means

      Crimean peaceful protesters learn the hard way what ’Russian world’ means

      Among the 50 or more Crimeans violently dispersed while trying to hold a peaceful protest on June 4 was one communist deputy who played an extremely active role in supporting Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Russia forces own ‘defence’ in trial without a crime of 4 Crimean Tatars

      Russia forces own ‘defence’ in trial without a crime of 4 Crimean Tatars

      Russia’s trial of 4 Crimean Tatars on gravely flawed ‘terrorism’ charges began on June 1 as expected – with a flagrant but telling infringement of the men’s right to a fair trial. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Ukraine’s PM: I Am My Own Man, I Will Fight Corruption, and Other Things No One Believes

      Ukraine’s PM: I Am My Own Man, I Will Fight Corruption, and Other Things No One Believes

      Separating Ukraine’s numerous problems into coherent strands is the work of a lifetime: Does corruption cause economic self-destruction, or economic malaise cause corruption? Why does Ukraine’s economy struggle on when other, similarly-sized countries, equally distant from communism, prosper? Why is “politician” a well-established...

      Things are heating up in eastern Ukraine. Here are three reasons why.

      Things are heating up in eastern Ukraine. Here are three reasons why.

      Russia’s military command chain is looking to consolidate control and discipline in part because being more assertive in eastern Ukraine entrenches Russia’s hold over Donbas. The Kremlin is also taking charge of economic reconstruction efforts in Donbas, rather than leaving this task to Russian private enterprises. Claiming dominance...

      Ukraine’s corrupt judges targeted in constitutional reforms

      Ukraine’s corrupt judges targeted in constitutional reforms

      Bribery in the court system is seen as a major obstacle to Ukraine’s broader reform effort under a $17.5 billion International Monetary Fund bailout program that political infighting has threatened to derail. The bill, which aims to curb political influence on the appointment of judges and limit their immunity in case of malpractice, was...