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Weekly Report: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine 22.08 – 28.08 2016

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : Putin started maneuvers incredible proportions – the last time this was before the invasion of Czechoslovakia. – 28 August 2016, 12:52

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : Could agree Kerry with Lavrov. – 28 August 2016, 02:52

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : Complete armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine should begin in the next few weeks. – 27 August 2016, 23:38

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Horrific police killing elicits assurances of a shakeup & local fears of a cover-up – 27 August 2016, 15:37

The Conversation (USA) : Adrift in a sea of violence: Obama’s legacy, and the prospect of a Trump or Clinton presidency – 27 August 2016, 02:22

Freedom House (USA) : Crimea: Authorities Detain Leading Tatar Activist – 27 August 2016, 01:37

Heinrich Boell Foundation (Germany) : Nord Stream II: Shaking Hands with the Devil – 26 August 2016, 17:37

Atlantic Council (USA) : How One University Defied Putin and His Armed Mob – 26 August 2016, 16:37

Transitions Online (EU) : Steven Seagal Enjoys Belarusian Hospitality, With a Side of Carrots and Lard – 26 August 2016, 13:07

Open Europe (UK) : Merkel’s refugee policy faces tough opposition from Visegrad countries and Austria – 26 August 2016, 12:52

Fraser Institute (Canada) : 2016 Travel Bursary Application Form – 26 August 2016, 06:52

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Behind The Scenes In Ukraine, Ties To Putin Help Power Broker Pull Strings – 26 August 2016, 03:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : 1 year on Sentsov & Kolchenko remain jailed & isolated, their persecutors untouched – 26 August 2016, 03:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Russian prosecutor demands long sentences for 4 Crimean Tatar political prisoners – 26 August 2016, 03:37

The Conversation (USA) : Russia’s aggressive power is resurgent, online and off – 26 August 2016, 03:22

Brookings (USA) : Russia and the New World Disorder – 25 August 2016, 19:52

Cato Institute (USA) : NATO is an Institutional Dinosaur – 25 August 2016, 19:37

Transitions Online (EU) : Norway is Shutting The Door on The ‘Arctic Route’ – 25 August 2016, 18:22

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : The Alternate Reality of Anders Fogh Rasmussen – 25 August 2016, 17:37

Atlantic Council (USA) : Ukraine: Forwards or Backwards? A Response to Thomas Theiner and James Brooke – 25 August 2016, 16:52

Atlantic Council (USA) : Does Ukraine Need an Anti-Corruption Court? – 25 August 2016, 16:52

Transitions Online (EU) : Moldova Receives First Tranche of Romanian Loan – 25 August 2016, 16:22

Transitions Online (EU) : Smugglers Renovate Road on Russia-Belarus Border – 25 August 2016, 16:22

The Conversation (USA) : Turkey’s dangerous game of Russian roulette in Syria – 25 August 2016, 15:52

Transitions Online (EU) : Soviet Superheroes Save The Day in Russian Blockbuster – 25 August 2016, 15:37

Fraser Institute (Canada) : (Template) Grades 10-12 Economics Seminar – Class Registration Form – 25 August 2016, 13:07

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (USA) : Putin’s ever-shrinking circle shows a return to Soviet politics – 24 August 2016, 17:07

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Russia-Ukraine Crisis Prompts Meeting With Putin at G-20 Summit – 24 August 2016, 16:52

Transitions Online (EU) : Trump Aides Lobbied Covertly Against Release of Yulia Tymoshenko From Jail – 24 August 2016, 16:07

Heinrich Boell Foundation (Germany) : Germany: In Defense of Nuclear Weapons? – 24 August 2016, 13:52

Transitions Online (EU) : A Rare Bright Spot in Ukraine’s Fight Against Corruption – 24 August 2016, 11:37

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : Russia – a “challenge” and “threat”. – 24 August 2016, 09:52

The Conversation (USA) : Long before Trump rolled in the deep, music and politics were entwined – 24 August 2016, 08:07 (EU) : Ukraine’s fledgling fight against corruption deserves EU support – 24 August 2016, 07:07

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Putin Appoints Apologist for Stalin as Russian Education Minister – 24 August 2016, 03:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Raising the Ukrainian Flag Volodymyr Rybak and Many Others Died For – 24 August 2016, 01:37

European Council on Foreign Relations (UK) : Escalation in Crimea threatens Erdogan – Putin rapprochement – 23 August 2016, 19:37

Atlantic Council (USA) : Ukraine at Twenty-Five – 23 August 2016, 18:22

Atlantic Council (USA) : Russia is Surrounding Ukraine, but Where’s the West? – 23 August 2016, 18:22

The Conversation (USA) : Why has Russia been flying airstrikes over Syria from an Iranian airbase? – 23 August 2016, 16:37

Centre for European Policy Studies – CEPS (EU) : Ukraine and Europe – A short guide – 23 August 2016, 16:07

Transitions Online (EU) : Russia’s Donbas ‘Buildup’: Threat or Bargaining Chip? – 23 August 2016, 14:07

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Oleg Sentsov: I would like to be a nail in the tyrant’s coffin. This nail will not bend. – 23 August 2016, 01:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Russian activist persecuted for ‘Putin Mask’ seeks political asylum in Ukraine – 23 August 2016, 01:37

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : Russia stepped back and will not go to full-scale war with Ukraine – Newsweek. – 22 August 2016, 21:07

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : Follow the Money Trail for Source of ‘Russian Threat’ Paranoia – 22 August 2016, 17:37

Cato Institute (USA) : Lack of Reforms Has Turned Ukraine into a Vulnerable Basket Case – 22 August 2016, 17:07

Cato Institute (USA) : Hillary Clinton Could Easily Push America into Open Conflict with Russia – 22 August 2016, 16:37

Cato Institute (USA) : Denmark Lectures America on NATO – 22 August 2016, 16:37

Transitions Online (EU) : U.S. Closes in on Ukraine’s Firtash – 22 August 2016, 14:52 (EU) : Putin flies into Crimea amid war games and tension – 22 August 2016, 08:52

Lowy Institute for International Policy (Australia) : Manafort exit unlikely to end Trump’s Russian fetish – 22 August 2016, 07:22

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : What Should We Do About Crimea? – 22 August 2016, 01:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : The West Has a Ukraine Challenge, and It’s Not Going Away – 22 August 2016, 01:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Grave Fears for Crimean Tatar leader in Psychiatric Clinic for Saying Russia must Leave Crimea – 22 August 2016, 01:37

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Deutsche Welle is continuing to mislead the public about Russia’s Crimea land-grab – 22 August 2016, 01:37

Read more in  Research Organizations & Think Tank


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