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Weekly Report: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine May 2 – May 8, 2016

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Russia steps up terror offensive with armed raid on mosque in Occupied Crimea

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : US Ambassador to Hungary: Overthrow Assad, Let in Refugees, and Fight Russia…or Else!

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Belarus Reforms Its Elections and Commemorates Chernobyl

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : Aleppo – Syria’s Stalingrad?

Atlantic Council (USA) : How Ukraine Can Solve Its Local Election Conundrum

Harvard International Review (USA) : Information Wars: Ukraine and the West vs. Russia and the Rest

Transitions Online (EU) : Russian Orchestra Plays in War-Torn Syria

Royal United Services Institute (UK) : Rethinking CTF Strategy: From Stopping Terrorist Financing to Using Finance to Stop Terrorists

Transitions Online (EU) : Russia Says Foiled Terrorist Attacks

The Conversation (USA) : Uncovering ancient Ashkenaz – the birthplace of Yiddish speakers

Royal United Services Institute (UK) : Newsbrief (EU) : Why Ukraine’s NATO membership is not in America’s interests

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Russian blogger gets 2-year sentence for reposting that Crimea is Ukraine

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : An Unfrozen Karabakh Threatens to Ignite Entire Region

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : The US and EU have approved the construction of the “Southern Gas Corridor” bypassing Russia.

Transitions Online (EU) : Stalin’s Back

The American Center for a European Ukraine (USA) : PRGO sent materials concerning Martynenko case to NABU

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Crimea’s Supreme Court Bans Crimean Tatar Mejlis Based on Fictitious Claims

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Moscow’s Appointment in Doha Goes Awry

Acton Institute (USA) : In Italy, Stealing Food Out of Hunger Is No Longer a Crime

The Conversation (USA) : Clinton and Trump: different visions of America abroad

Council on Foreign Relations (USA) : What Lies Ahead for Ukraine?

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA) : Establishment Republicans for Hillary Clinton?

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : RUSSIAN THREAT. In response to Russian aggression NATO is conducting exercises in the non-stop. 

Atlantic Council (USA) : The Long Arm of Russian “Soft” Power

Transitions Online (EU) : RBC Owner Prokhorov Takes Stock After Police Raids

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : What Is the US Military Doing in the Baltics? (EU) : Report: Missile launcher that downed MH17 belongs to the Russian army

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : How Russia Terrorizes Children & Destroys Lives in Occupied Crimea

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Lofty Ideals, Practical Efforts: Turkish Engagement in Central Asia

bellingcat (UK) : Die verlorene Ziffer – Buk 3×2

bellingcat (UK) : The Lost Digit: Buk 3×2

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Russian Money for Belarus: Not for a Base but to Limit Minsk’s Turn Toward Europe

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Russia’s Defense Industry Creaks Under High-Tech Military Demands

Transitions Online (EU) : Odessa Averts Potential Tragedy

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Lofty Ideals and Prosaic Outcomes: Turkish Engagement in Central Asia

European Parliamentary Research Service Blog (EU) : Chernobyl 30 years on: impact and response

Cato Institute (USA) : Trump on U.S. Foreign and Economic Policy

Atlantic Council (USA) : Ukraine’s New Government Scores Big Reform Win

The American Center for a European Ukraine (USA) : U.S. Bill Links Russia Sanctions Relief To Crimea’s Return To Ukraine

The American Center for a European Ukraine (USA) : MP urges NABU, SBU to probe alleged ‘corrupt deal’ to buy Bogdan-MAZ trucks for army

bellingcat (UK) : The Importance of OSINT: Misinformation and Verification of Conflict Media (EU) : EU urges Ukraine to investigate 2014 Odessa deaths (EU) : EU urges Ukraine to investigate 2014 Odessa massacre

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Russia Seeks to Reenergize Its Pivot to the East

Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute (Georgia) : EXPERT. Direct war between Russia and NATO could begin as early as this year.

Atlantic Council (USA) : What the Banning of Crimean Tatars’ Mejlis Means

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Tensions, Violence Rise in Ukraine as Western Powers Urge Reforms

Brookings (USA) : Why Europe’s energy policy has been a strategic success story

Atlantic Council (USA) : Memo to Europe: Don’t Fall for Russia’s Empty Promises

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA) : Abe’s Whirlwind European Mission

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Crimean journalist faces 5-year sentence for ‘separatism’

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : 5 Russian Federal Agencies Pitched Against Courageous Crimean Political Prisoner

Read more in  Research Organizations & Think Tank


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